Toll Free #
APGIV - Ango Power 01 BP : 4123, Lome - Togo.


Does APGIV trade in products?

Yes, APGIV has diverse health impact products for all and sundry. Currently APGIV has five different products in store.

After registering as a new member of APGIV, what next?

For very member that registers, the individual is eligible to product purchase on wholesale in order to sell at any price and make profit. The profit made is for the individual not APGIV. Besides, you are ready to refer APGIV to your friends, co-workers, family members and whoever registers under you (your downline), qualifies you for commissions and bonus as indicated in the compensation plan.

Can I buy as many products as I want?

Yes. You can buy as many of APGIV products if only you want to open your own distribution centre. There is no restriction on product purchase by anyone. Also note that, the more you purchase products, the more you earn points and bonus.

Is there any minimum amount to accumulate before withdrawing my earnings?

Yes, you can withdraw your earnings at any time you have a minimum balance of $10 in your account.

Will APGIV deduct any fee from my account when withdrawing my earnings?

No. The only fee APGIV requires is the REGISTRATION FEE, which is a one-time registration fee. This means that after you register with any of the grade indicated in the marketing plan, every amount you earn through commissions, bonus etc. is for you and will be shown in your account. The amount is in dollars so when you are withdrawing, it will be converted to your country currency.

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